Sponsorship request

[This is a suggested template.]

Dear [name of contact],

Following the success of [your conference] last year, this year’s edition will be held in [location] at [venue], from [date] to [date]: [link to your website].

We’re seeking sponsors who can provide financial support for the event, which will bring together [number of] [Python|Django] developers from across the world for six days of talks, tutorials and collaboration.

Our sponsorship prospectus is published at [link to your website], and a PDF version is also available at [link to PDF].

Attendees at these events know that they are only possible through the generosity of sponsors, and sponsors rightly earn a great deal of goodwill through their involvement.

At this event, we’re also holding a recruitment session on [day], which you’re warmly invited to participate in.

Our prospectus lists some suggested levels of sponsorship, but you are most welcome to offer your own proposals if you’d like to suggest some other arrangement. We’re working very hard to stage an event that will be esteemed and valued by everyone who is able to attend, and we hope you will decide to be a part of it too.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you’d like to know more. If you prefer you can contact me on [your phone number].

Yours sincerely,

[Your name, your role]